Planned features

Here are some things I plan on adding as I get more time/energy, in no particular order

  •  Make it possible to drag the pieces of the coord around once you pick so you can arrange them (need to get this to work on mobile)
  •  Make an option for a smarter coord randomizer that picks a certain amount of each piece, and does a few things so it doesn't sabotage its own creation (no crop blouses with skirts, no ankle socks with boots, etc)
  •  Graphic Design is my passion
  •  (DREAM CONCEPT NOT SURE IF POSSIBLE) application to predict my dream dress based on other main pieces that have similar tags to what I have (and others if you upload your wardrobe json)
  •  What lolita piece should you buy, but cursed answers only
  • Different banner images which show closeups of my different pieces, maybe a script to randomly pick one!