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Other Lolita Neocities:
- Ita: This site inspired me to make a neocities wardrobe site! I LOVE this person's layout so much
- Beautybeast: Jule's wardrobe is fun to see and I love the way it scrolls through the wardrobe so much!!!
Other websites that I just think are really cool for lolita fashion! More will be added as I scour neocities!
- Lolibrary: Great for learning about new pieces
- Lacemarket: Great for buying said new pieces
- Lolita History: Check out old Gothic & Lolita bible pages!
Older websites that are neat for historical reasons:
- The Lolita Handbook: Largely outdated by now, it still has different snippets of information that are still accurate, and gives you a good idea of what lolita was like around 2010 and before
- EGL Livejournal: One of the older english speaking lolita communities, if you need information about older releases, this is actually super nice. People still post once in a while.
- Aphotic: Old Geocities for the fashion
- Mana Belle: Fansite for Mana, last updated in 2003.
- DorkxKrazy: Another fansite for Mana, some incredible graphic design
My other websites: